I would like to take this opportunity to also thank Dr. David Tallman for taking on the task of publishing the journal. Without David’s commitment, this journal’s publication in hard copy format would not have been possible. I can say that given the track record of NDNR, I have every confidence that this journal will be something we can be proud of. Furthermore, we are absolutely committed to having no external financial or industry influence impinge on the editorial integrity of IntJNM. The editorial board of IntJNM brings together a number of highly dedicated and accomplished clinicians and clinician/ researchers who have volunteered to guide and support the journal. As well as providing important content contribution, the editorial board will provide the essential core service of peer review for the articles that are submitted to IntJNM. I am honored to work with such an expert group of individuals. Finally, I would like to offer profound thanks to our senior Associate Medical Editor, Dr. Diana Buehler, for her thorough and generous work as copy editor.

Success of this journal requires active support by the professional body. We need authors who will take the time to document their work and to share it with our colleagues. In addition, we need an engaged audience of subscribers who will actively support the journal. I urge you to explore the journal’s website at www.intjnm.org (add it as a favorite in your preferred websurfer), and most importantly to subscribe. To all potential authors, I encourage you to become involved with this publication. Please write, critique, review, debate, and share your insights and concerns. A simple letter to the editor can be very short, but still generate excellent discussion; take the time to comment on a paper you’ve read or raise an issue of importance to the profession and you will be enriched by the process. As with any peer-reviewed journal, I can’t guarantee that everything will get published, but you will get a fair appraisal. A final word to naturopathic researchers and academics; we want to be a preferred forum for publication so that you can communicate with your colleagues. Let’s work together to make this journal a dynamic part of the evolution of naturopathic medicine.